Since the mid 90’s, the Panaitan Islands have been regarded as one of the most surf destinations in Indonesia. Nowhere else on earth receives more consistent swell with generally light winds turning perfect swell into world-class warm waves.
ne Palm Point
This point reef break, marked by a single sentinel palm, is one ofIndonesia's left-hand wonders. Waves here peel perfectly from outside to inside, barreling the whole way over a shallow bottom that inspires paranoia but creates record-time tube rides. Indeed this is not a place for timid or inexperienced wave riders. One Palm Point works best on a good-sized swell, a southeasterly and offshore wind, and at a more medium than low tide. It is ridiculously shallow, here, so wear any protective gear you can find. The wave that put Panaitan on the map. One of the world's longest (up to 800 yards), most perfect, most dangerous shallow left-hand barrels reels across a reef point. You need a sturdy board to get into the wave as early as possible, then set a rail and go for maximum speed. Mid tide seems best and the wave starts to work at just 3ft of south to southwest swell.
Napalms Probably the most frequently surfed wave at Panaitan, and with good reason. The left-hand reef here delivers barrels with mechanical perfection, and they are more make able than One Palm thanks to a defined channel. Take-offs are straight-forward, then a lined-up wall leads to a ful?-on barrel before tapering off into deep water. Higher tides are best if you want to avoid the shallow second section. This is a fun barreling left-hander located at Inside Panaitan. There are also other soft, fun, and relaxing waves here. A lot of waves here close out, or race on past you, but the ones you do mange to snatch are a memorable rush of seapower. This spot is best ridden at a lower tide when the waves are less jumpy.
At the head of the inner bay are some very well lined up, fun long lefts. Generally a good warm-up spot for Panaitan proper, the lefts need a good south swell but work at any tide, although low is often best.
Insight Right
Opposite the lefts, on the west side of the bay is a right-hand reef break that works on wet season west breezes and any swell direction. A solid south swell at low tide will get this alternative spot firing. Best at lower to mid tides, but varying with swell size.
the lefts Right-hand reef break with approachable take-off and variable barrel and wall sections. Just seaward and up-shore from Apocalypse is yet another right, Illusions. Illusions, a right hand point break, that is not as reckless as the left at One Palm Point, but just as perfect.
Extremely square right-hand barrel; pull in or don't go at all . The tasty Apocalypse is a great surprise because it doesn't look like much as you approach it from behind. Paddle into its lineup from the boat and you will discover a feisty wave that peaks, walls, plumes, and fires. The water is quite deep at the take-off point, but a combination of funneled wave speeds, strong offshore winds and a receptive and stationary reef causes incoming?swells to rise fast, hover before hollowing out and then break defiantly. A lot of waves here close out, or race on past you, but the ones you do mange to snatch are a memorable rush of sea power. This spot is best ridden at a lower tide when the waves are less jumpy
Cater for all surfers fun left breaks in a deserted beautiful bay.
Daves Place
Caters for all surfers anither fun easy left. Indicators Caters for all surfers a long hot dog fun wave, Ship wrecks carters for all sufrets right and left pikcs up the swell
Ranger Station
Catrers for all surfers a fun peak which can turn it right on, acroos the bay a hollow steam trian rhight
Cater for all surfers another real fun wave, left and right
A FEW MORE WAVES WHICH I KEEP SECRET JUST FOR THE GUESTS. Of course we can- not promise good waves "as this is left to the man above" however my-self and my experienced crew can usually find a wave that suits everyone. As a local guide we visits many unnamed locations on mainland Java for your surfing, as well the fishing and snorkeling are awesome, there are many places of interest to check out, grassing ground for wildlife and jungle, it is a really beautiful place. Other Activities Snorkeling Fishing Trekking Wild Life observation
Surfing with perfection the perfect waves of the Ments require the perfect boards.
Here are few tips on how to pack your quiver
How many boards ?
Don't spend the time and money to go there without the right equipment! Bring at least 2 boards if possible but three is optimum.
You'll be allowed to travel on most airlines with a 23 kilograms board bag (or sports equipment bag as they call it).
This is about 3 boards with extra padding or 4 with very little extra padding. Most people bring 2-3 boards as people are known to break a board in a trip
Along with your boards consider a minimum of three leg ropes, a few bars of warm wax, a small ding repair kit.
Which boards ?
As a general rule bring boards and fins designed to handle fast and powerful waves.
If the swell looks bigger, pack your boards accordingly with 2 of your everyday shortboards (6'0" - 6'4"), a step-up mid-sized board (6-5-6-9) and maybe a mini gun (6'10" - 7'2") if it is going to be huge.
If the forecast looks smaller you could pack more standard boards or even a step down or a fish, and leave the mini gun at home.
Usually, the biggest board you will ride is under 7'0" no matter how big it gets.
If you are used to riding a fish or quad, bring it, there is plenty of waves where these boards will go perfect.
Mini-mals & long boards can also be ridden. So are Stand Up Paddle boards.
If you are unsure on what boards to pack, you should pack the boards you are comfortable riding in good waves at home.
You should also pack a good selection of fins. Some people can adjust their standard short board to handle bigger and hollower waves by changing their fin setup and size of fin. You could also consider having boards that are glassed a bit heavier to make them stronger and eliminate breaking the board.
Surfing with perfection the perfect waves of the Ments require the perfect boards.
Here are few tips on how to pack your quiver
How many boards ?
Don't spend the time and money to go there without the right equipment! Bring at least 2 boards if possible but three is optimum.
You'll be allowed to travel on most airlines with a 23 kilograms board bag (or sports equipment bag as they call it).
is about 3 boards with extra padding or 4 with very little extra
padding. Most people bring 2-3 boards as people are known to break a
board in a trip
Along with your boards consider a minimum of three leg ropes, a few bars of warm wax, a small ding repair kit.
Which boards ?
As a general rule bring boards and fins designed to handle fast and powerful waves.
the swell looks bigger, pack your boards accordingly with 2 of
your everyday shortboards (6'0" - 6'4"), a step-up mid-sized board
(6-5-6-9) and maybe a mini gun (6'10" - 7'2") if it is going to be huge.
If the forecast looks smaller you could pack more standard boards or even a step down or a fish, and leave the mini gun at home.
Usually, the biggest board you will ride is under 7'0" no matter how big it gets.
If you are used to riding a fish or quad, bring it, there is plenty of waves where these boards will go perfect.
Mini-mals & long boards can also be ridden. So are Stand Up Paddle boards.
If you are unsure on what boards to pack, you should pack the boards you are comfortable riding in good waves at home.
You should also pack a good selection of fins. Some people can adjust their standard short board to handle bigger and hollower waves by changing their fin setup and size of fin. You could also consider having boards that are glassed a bit heavier to make them stronger and eliminate breaking the board.